Tuesday 21 August 2012

Here is Nat for your perusal + AN APPEAL

First up I could really do with some feedback on this site. Do people enjoy visiting? Do you look forward to and anticipate the updates or do you think some things could be changed resulting in better results? Details would be good and not just POST EVERY DAY because that is just not realistic.

Anyway enough of that let us move swiftly on to our featured model Nat, I am sure you will like what you see.


asher said...

I definitely enjoy the blog. You always have some great girls.

I'd love to see you post more, but I understand the constraints. Maybe giving us more details about the girls would be nice. If you have it.

DVL said...

I see your point with the more info but unfortunately a lot of the time that is not available. I had a lot more information on the first like dozen girls but now the newer ones are more web finds. Thanks for the feedback it means a lot.

asher said...

I understand that, definitely. Just thought I'd throw it out there. Good stuff though. I really enjoy it.


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